List of Works

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Immersive Theater

G7: 2070

An Immersive Play About the weird, perilous future rising to meet us

With support from Knight Foundation as a Knight New Work Miami winning project, G7:2070 is an immersive theatrical summit where audience members are invited to become delegates and join the dignitaries of the seven most powerful nations -The US, China, The European Papal Federation, Ethiopia, Uruguay, Russia, and Disney—as they gather in a post-sea level rise Miami to decide the fate of the world.

Premiered October 19th, 20th and 21st, 2023 at The Kampong. Next iteration coming soon!


Full Length Plays


A play about in-laws, conversion, and the Jewish afterlife

Sheol starts with a simple question: what happens to Jews when they die? When no one, not even her Jewish fiancé, can give Zoe Watkins a satisfying answer, she sets out on a quest to figure it out for herself, and on to a collision course with her future mother-in-law and the forces beyond. Comedy/Family Drama. 2W, 4M.

Reading at Jerry Herman Ring Theater, University of Miami Friends of Theater, April 21, 2014

The Monster With 21 Faces

A play based on a true crime involving industrial blackmail, the Japanese national police, and poisoned candy

“No-career Yamamoto died like a man. So we decided to give our condolence. That means we've got more to do other than bullying companies. It's fun to lead a bad man's life. Monster with 21 Faces. August 12th, 1985.”

With that final letter, the criminals known only by their fantastical pseudonym vanished into history, leaving behind the memories of their yearlong campaign of extorting Japanese food companies by poisoning their products on store shelves. Though the group’s actions produced no direct victims, unable to catch the culprits, Police Superintendent Yamamoto self-immolated in August of 1985, ending the strange and tragic saga. Inspired by this true tale, the play begins with Yamamoto kneeling in a deserted alley and pouring gasoline on himself. Can the unexpected arrival of a delinquent girl change his fate? Drama/Dark Comedy. 3M, 2W.

Reading at Meetinghouse Miami, March 28, 2015


A play about Athenian antiquity, classic democracy, and modern profanity

It’s hard to be in a fight with your best friend. It’s harder still when his sister is fighting with both of you. It’s even harder when all three of you live in 7th century Athens, and are still working out this whole democracy thing, the Persian Empire, cults, cliques, and rogue poets. And it’s hardest of all when a Goddess herself is so fed up with your bickering that she comes down to settle your dispute once and for all. Comedy/Political. 5M, 2W.

Reading at Meetinghouse Miami, March 19, 2016

Conscious: A Synthetic Comedy

A play about sentience, free will, and Nutella

The Turing Test. A classic method for gauging the ability of a machine to appear alive; for determining if artificial intelligence can be indistinguishable from human intelligence. In the near future, in a locked room, this test is in progress. But the person administering it is not a person at all. SEAL, the first true AI, is testing its creator, with the aim of proving that he and all of humanity don’t count as truly alive. SEAL’s creator is trying to convince the robot to let him have a snack. Both AI and inventor may have bitten off more than they can chew. Comedy. 1M, 1W, 1M or W.

The Kipling Backpack Thief

A play about a thief of Kipling backpacks

A tale as old as time. A crime as old as humanity. Stealing a backpack, emptying out its contents, and leaving them in a neat pile with a monkey keychain on top. A decade ago, a master thief roamed the corridors of an American middle school, leaving behind their Kipling calling card, their legend, and one determined student. Present day, Grace has assembled four of her friends for a murder mystery party, only to lay down an ultimatum “Ten years ago today, my backpack was stolen. And tonight, we find out which one of you did it.” Tonight, all the answers are revealed. Who, why, and whether raccoons are monkeys or apes. Comedy 2W, 2M, 2M or W.

Reading at Ransom Everglades December 2, and at DPZ December 9, 201


Short Plays


A 10-minute play about a mountain, a man, a son, a knife, and a wife who’s ready to say “no way” to Yahweh

After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here am I.” He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” Genesis 22:1-19 . . . Let’s just say The Book of Genesis received some redactions. Comedy 2M, 1W.

Performances at ShowOff! International Playwriting Festival, Camino Real Playhouse, January 11-20, 2019


A 10-minute radio play about felony vandalism and one lawyer’s insistence that it’s a thing

Based on true criminal proceedings in 90s Miami.

Curve Curse, the most notorious vandals since the sackers of Rome. The time has come to bring these two rapscallions to justice, but is the prosecution up to the task? Will the judge find them worthy of punishment? And can the two vandals even mount a defense? Move aside OJ, it's the trial of an era. Comedy 4M, 1W.

Performance at Radio Fest, Wolfsonian Museum, WLRN, March 11, 2017



Big Time

A 145,000 word Novel about Heists, Feuds, and Family

A gang war is brewing between a US senator and the LLC crime syndicate’s first female CEO. Add the Jewish mafia, the last living phrenologist, and a tropical storm brewing off the coast, and subtract any sense of restraint.

Twenty-two-year-old Detective Charlie Fry may be more Clouseau than Poirot. His nemesis may be small, white and fluffy. His biggest case may have been The Mystery of Whose Cat Pooped in the Lobby… but he may be our only hope of averting a full out gang war. It’s nineteen ninety-something, summer in Areca City, and this coastal metropolis is heating up like a nuclear warhead. The stalemate that has kept peace among Areca City’s crime outfits is shattered by a grand, piano-based heist. Before noon, three lie dead in a high-rise apartment and a small statue of a gremlin is unaccounted for. Questions abound, the body count is rising, but as grim as things may look, Charlie Fry still believes that every case can be solved with politeness, curiosity, and just a bit of fisticuffs. And a condo lawyer. And a mob doctor. And the only WASP working for a Jewish crime family. And another narrator too mysterious to even mention. And that cat from earlier. The cast has assembled, the clock has struck, and as Charlie, and Charlie alone, always says: It’s Mystery Time.

Currently seeking publication.